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    1. It includes vehicle and vessel usage tax, vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax, vessel tonnage tax, stamp tax , deed tax , securities exchange tax(not yet levied ), slaughter tax.
    2. In fact, the tax-involved cost can be saved by making out a lawful and reasonable taxation plan, other than by not paying tax, paying less tax, tax dodging and tax cheating.
    3. This paper expounds several tax designing modes such as the tax payment design, tax avoidance design, tax saving design, and tax transferring design, etc.
    4. Prepare passport , ARC, withholding tax statement, overseas income proof and other relevant tax exemption and tax deduction documents.
    5. This part expounds with emphasis the proportion relationship of indirect tax and direct tax, the direct tax reformation and changing fee into tax.


    Tax deduction
    减免税款; 可免税; 减税 减税; 减税;
    Gift Tax Marital Deduction
    Tax Deduction Method
    扣税法; 应税收益额减免法; 已纳税款扣除法;
    Interest Tax Deduction Certificate
    扣除利息税证明书; 扣除利息税证实书;
    income tax deduction
    所得税应税收益减免额; 所得税扣款;


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