1. Movements to export position were strong to the Texas Gulf and PNW. Carloadings destined for the Texas Gulf have since slowed as wheat exports turn soft. 以前曾有大量货物运往得克萨斯海湾和太平洋西北沿岸出口海港,但后来由于小麦出口量下降,发往得克萨斯海湾的车皮数量开始减少。
2. American forces invaded New Mexio and Texas in 1835, and dig up the hatchet to Mexio as soon as fully occupied Texas. 在1835年的时候,美国军队侵入了属于墨西哥的新墨西哥和得克萨斯,并在占领了得克萨斯后马上向墨西哥正式宣战。
3. Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. 毫无疑问,我会在战斗时展现那不屈不挠的精神来达到游骑兵的目标,哪怕我是唯一的生还者。
4. Ten permits are made available by advance booking and the remainders are available the day before at the nearby ranger's station by lottery. 而该景点只允许十位游客提前预订,剩余的只在出游的前一天在逗留游客的站点中按抽签决定去留。
5. Each and every cheetah is virtually a lone ranger who, even in desperate hunger, is above scrambling with condors for any leftovers or dregs of meat. 每一头猎豹,都是问心无愧的独行侠,哪怕饥肠辘辘,也永远不会和秃鹫争夺一丝腐渣和残肉。
Ranger - Jagged Barbs 游侠-铁血冷嘲热讽;
Ranger Cornelius 游侠科尼利厄斯;
Army Ranger Mogadishu 黑鹰突击队;