1. international trade, transit trade, interborough trade, goods and technology import and export, all kinds of natural and compound rubber trade, tire export. 国际贸易,转口贸易,区内企业之间贸易及贸易下加工整理,货物和技术的进出口,经营各种天然橡胶,合成橡胶,轮胎出口业务。
2. A series of changes such as trade scales, goods structure, trade balance, trade form and the regional distribution of Sino-North Korean trade have taken place after 2000. 从2000年以后,中朝贸易在贸易规模、商品结构、贸易收支、贸易形态以及交易的地区分布等多方面发生了一系列变化。
3. I think China should slap a trade embargo on us. No more goods allowed to the USA. 我认中国应该打美国一个禁运的巴掌,不准他们的任何商品输入美国。
4. Some officials used the event to put down the US trade embargo against the country. 一些官员借此事件谴责美国对古巴实行的贸易出口禁止条令。
5. Attacks by militants on Gaza's border crossings prompted frequent closures of these trade lifelines by Israel, tightening the economic choke hold imposed by the West's embargo of the PA. 激进分子在加沙边境口岸的袭击,促使以色列频繁的关闭这些贸易生命线,并通过西方对巴权力机构的禁运,强行扼紧其经济命喉。