1. They lived with Jesus, they lived for Jesus, therefore they grew like Jesus. Let us live by the same Spirit as they did, "looking unto Jesus, " and our saintship will soon be apparent. 让我们学习向他们看齐,「单单仰望耶稣」,那麽我们就能越来越流露圣徒的气质,与耶稣馨香之气。
2. The Transfiguration account rests outside of this scheme and serves as a "catechetical complement" or an "illustrative story" which complements Jesus' teaching. 至于显圣容之外的其他记述,是一种「教义式的补充」或「比喻故事」,但更精确的说法,多半是补充耶稣所教导的。
3. It speaks of a transfiguration in which Jesus assumes the splendour of the eschatological Glory in the might of the divine power of the Kingdom. 改变容貌讲述的是耶稣在万有的国度中承袭了这显赫的救世主的荣耀。
4. We did all these for Jesus, to Jesus, and with Jesus. 我们为了耶稣、向耶稣,并和耶稣一起做这事工。
5. Have you ever felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus… in fact, do you have any sensory perception of your God whatsoever? 那你有没有触到你的耶稣,尝到你的耶稣,闻到你的耶稣呢?……也就是说,你有没有过用任何感官体会到你的天主呢?
La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur jesus Christ 我主基督之变形;