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    1. Alternative titles for the Income Statement include Earnings Statement, Statement of Operations, and Profit and Loss Statement.
    2. There are town common forms of income statement: the multiple-step income statement and the single-step income statement.
    3. statement that involves three propositions : the major premise, minor pre-mise and conclusion. The conclusion is necessarily being true if the premises are true.
    4. In mathematics, a logical statement that involves three propositions : the major premise, minor pre-mise and conclusion . The conclusion is necessarily being true if the premises are true.
    5. In most cases, people draw true conclusions on the true premises when they think while they seek for true conclusions on assumed premises in the process of creation and innovation.


    The balance sheet statement at the end of the current interim period and the balance sheet statement at the end of the prior year
    statement of assets and statement of loss and profit
    The balance sheet statement at the end of the current interim period and the balance sheet statement at the end of the prior year
    make a statement he knows to be false or does not believe to be true
    作出他明知是虚假或不相信是真实的陈述 公安;
    breathing lifelike living realistic true to life true to nature vivid
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