1. Documents concerning stopping water supply, heat supply, gas supply and power supply, and other public utility services; 涉及停止供水、供热、供气、供电等公用事业服务的;
2. Water supply: Water for daily living comes from town water supply system, irrigation water from the nearby reservoirs, and water for processing can be drawn from Xingyun Lake. 水: 生活由县城供水系统供给,灌溉用水可利用附近的水库渠水,生产给水系统由星云湖提取。
3. There are three microscopic organizational modes of cyclic economy in the perspective of supply chain, i. e. , green supply chain, endo-symbiosis supply chain and exogen-symbiosis supply chain. 基于供应链角度提炼了循环经济的三种微观组织模式:绿色供应链、外生共生体型供应链和内生共生体型供应链。
4. Project of water-power engineering: Two-stage high pressurized water supply. Dual electricity supply with own power generator to ensure stable electricity supply. 水电工程:不间断二次加压供水;共享小区独立配电间,双电源,并自备发电机组,供电稳定保障。
5. high-rise building water supply high water supply pressure water tank frequency control pump water; 高层建筑,给水系统,高位水箱供水,气压罐供水,变频调速水泵供水。
Die-casting copper fittings for water supply and thermal supply series 压铸水暖管件系列;