1. According to the example, this is an efficient approach over FTA, but also it can handle diagnosis reasoning and exculpation reasoning and that FTA cannot. 实例表明,该方法不但比故障树分析(FTA)更有效,而且能进行故障树分析不能进行的诊断推理和辩解推理。
2. This angered him still more, as in his heart he felt convinced, not by reasoning, but by something stronger than reasoning, of the indubitable truth of his own view. 这就使他更感到气恼,因为他不是凭推理,而是凭比推理更有力的直觉认为自己的看法是完全正确的。
3. Human is not God. God is reasoning, human isn't, human would rather vituperate than reasoning. 人不是上帝,上帝是讲道理的,人是不讲道理的,人更中意攻击和谩骂。
4. The logic analysis of anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is to reveal its hidden logic thinking modalities which are different reasoning, counterevidence and figurative reasoning. 对反事实假设复句的逻辑分析就是要揭示出它所蕴涵的逻辑思维形式,即差异推理(求异法)、反证法和比喻推理。
5. This expert system uses production rules to represent knowledge. Knowledge base is managed by DBMS. Direct reasoning is made by depth-first search in reasoning machine. 该系统采用产生式知识表示方法,运用DBMS管理知识库,推理机采用深度优先搜索方式的正向推理。
Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning 关于归纳法与演绎法;
Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning 关于归纳法与演绎法;
endorsement to authorise experiments without anaesthetics or without destroying the animal 授权无须施用麻醉剂或无须杀死动物而进行实验的批注 渔农;
neck and crop without further ado without more ado 干脆;
neck and crop without further ado without more ado 干脆;