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    1. Party A entrusts Party B with the translation service. Party A shall provide legible documents in time and give clear requirements and control the translation quality of Party B.
    2. The modern political party system in the United States is a two-party system dominated by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
    3. To nail down the clientage, Party B must submit the consignation ticket with cachet on it to party A. and then party A will issue a corresponding freight sub-ticket to party B.
    4. For the Communist Party of China in power, it must understand party's advancement essential connotation scientifically, strengthen the party's construction according to party's advanced request.
    5. Party organizations must strictly observe and maintain Party discipline. A Communist Party member must conscientiously act within the bounds of Party discipline.


    Intending to create favorable conditions for investments by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party
    multi-party cooperation and politicalconsultation under the leadership of Communist Party
    领导下的多党合作与政治协商; 领导下的多党合作与**协商;
    work party
    协作小组 (工作宴会); 工作小组;
    the work style of the Party
    Studies concerning the enhancement and improvement of Party construction work about inner set-up school of Shanghai colleges and universities
    下一篇论文: 关于加强和改进上海高校内设学院党建工作的研究;


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