1. The machine snarl ed the material up. 机器把材料搅在一起了。
2. Be good at oil skin and snarl-up of pores. Accelerate the scar over of the wound. 改善油性肌肤和毛孔阻塞。促进结疤和伤口愈合,对烧伤、烫伤、割伤、伤口、皮肤溃疡和发炎有效。
3. Either they take on the vested interests that snarl things up, or the country risks forfeiting much of the economic and social progress that it has made. 他们要么获得既得利益,要么接受有可能牺牲国家经济和社会进步的风险。
1. a number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcely move
2. make more complicated or confused through entanglements