1. Many women in the color of the modern age still bleak charm exudes charm, this is the result of their good practice. 很多现代女性在颜色暗淡的年岁中依然散发着迷人的魅力,这是她们苦心修炼的结果。
2. Description: The petrifying charm. With this charm the victim is unable to move or speak for a period of time. 石化咒。只要被施了这个咒语,被施咒者在一段时间内就不可能讲话或者移动。
3. If Charm School falls off your head, sacrifice Charm School. 若魅力学校从你头上落下,则牺牲魅力学校。
4. When Charm School comes into play, choose a color and balance Charm School on your head. 当魅力学校进场时,选择一个颜色,再将魅力学校放在你头上。
5. "Charm School" the first session "the charm treasure" the evaluation big game is being carried on, fellow schoolmates do not miss! 《魔力学堂》首届“魔力宝贝”评选大赛正在进行中,各位同学千万别错过啊!