1. This is the kind of prayer the Psalmists of old had recourse to in their hours of trouble—this is the kind of prayer that will bring you every good and perfect gift. 这些都是旧约圣歌里面在遇上让人烦心的事情时所做的祈祷。它们能带给你幸福和美好。
2. Semicircular prayer niche in the qibla wall (the wall facing Mecca) of a mosque, reserved for the prayer leader (imam). 指清真寺内朝麦加方向的墙壁上的半圆形祈祷者壁龛,为带领祈祷的人(伊玛目)而设。
3. Prayer meeting is held every Tuesday. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come and be a prayer warrior. 逢星期二晚均有祈祷会。我们鼓励每位信徒都成为教会的祈祷勇士。
4. HUP # 534 "Prayer for Healing", end with "The Lord's Prayer" 普颂第534「求医治祷文」,以「主祷文」结束。
5. Beginwith a prayer. If you begin with a prayer, you can think more clearly and make fewer mistakes. 信仰有助于投资。如果你从祈祷开始,你就能想的更清楚,少犯错误。