1. A net toured the profession jobholders saying that Chen Tianqiao's speech have listened to relieved own staff, also let in the profession the human listened to feel relieved. 一位网游行业从业人员说,陈天桥的讲话让自己的员工听了安心,也让行业里的人听了放心。
2. Car manufacturer has a kind of a fault on the right side feel relieved. 轿车厂家都有一种因祸得福的释然。
3. These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindi鑢es, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements. 这四座大厦都座落在诺南迪埃尔街和塞莱斯坦修道院之间,四座府邸的山墙和雉堞被修道院的尖顶一衬托,轮廓线益发显得优雅飘逸。
4. If he had been more than temporarily relieved by the evasions of the letter, he might have rejected some of her scorn. 这封信的花言巧语暂时地宽了宽他的心,不然、他也许会反驳她的讥诮。
5. Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright. 检查是否有眼疲劳。方法是将手放在前额呈敬礼状,如果这时候你的眼睛感到放松,那么你的办公空间就太明亮了。