1. Highly abstract or theoretical; abstruse. 高度抽象、过于理论化。
2. Based on its profuse contents and abstruse thoughts, Genghis khanimperial edict was one crucial part of his guiding ideology to govern the empire. 成吉思汗圣旨以其丰富的内容,深遂的思想,成为其治国安邦的总指导思想的重要组成部分。
3. The sun in this location will bring friendship and fun group activities, the abstruse things, science, invention, and so on are also very interested. 太阳在此位置会带来友谊及团体活动的乐趣,对于玄妙事物、科学现象、发明等也很有兴趣。
1. difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge