1. The Institute had the academician , Napoleon Bonaparte, stricken from its list of members. 法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。
2. In the years of being a academician, I thought for life, and took larger than myself, being grown up. 在学大的这几年习学生活里,俺思索人生,超越自俺,走向成熟!
3. Herr Prof. Shi, Xuemin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , Ehrendirektor der TCM-Universit 中国工程院院士,天津中医药大学名誉校长石学敏教授是我的第一任中国老师。
1. someone elected to honorary membership in an academy
2. a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation
3. an educator who works at a college or university