1. She has been much afflicted by this sad news. 她为此不幸的消息感到很难过。
2. Humanity is one family, sharing the same origin. When one member is afflicted by tragedy, the pain resonates through us all. 人类是一个家庭,分享同一个起源。当一名成员由悲剧时折磨,痛苦通过我们全部共鸣。
3. If the afflicted man spits on a clean man, the latter shall wash his garments, bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. 若有淋病的人,在洁净人身上吐了唾沫,这人就应洗涤自己的衣服,用水洗澡,直到晚上是不洁的。
1. grievously affected especially by disease
2. mentally or physically unfit