1. An academic historian and a former United Nations official, Mr Thant accuses the simplifiers of an "ahistorical" approach. 吴丹敏是一位注重理论研究的历史学家,曾在联合国任职。他指责简单化者在对待缅甸历史问题上“一叶障目”。
2. But in the 1970s, it came under internal fire from critics who accused it of being too rigid and ahistorical. 在1970年代,它受到来自内部的强烈批评,这些批评说它过于僵硬,缺乏历史联系。
3. An academic historian and a former United Nations official, Mr Thant accuses the simplifiers of an "ahistorical" approach. 吴丹敏是一位注重理论研究的历史学家,曾在联合国任职。他指责简单化者在对待缅甸历史问题上“一叶障目”。