1. By default, Reminders will keep alerting you for 2 minutes. This will change this to a one-time event. 提醒只提醒一次默认的提醒会一直提醒你2分钟…这个会把它变成过期事件。
2. The Indian ISPs were still alerting customers to slowdowns over the next few days with service quality delays of 50 percent to 60 percent, he said. 印度的网络服务供应商在未来的几天里仍会以作用质量延迟50%到60%的形式向用户发信号来降低速度。
3. The purpose of providing alerting service is to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required. 提供告警服务,旨在当民用航空器需要搜寻援救时,通知有关部门,并根据要求协助该有关部门进行搜寻援救。
1. a state of readiness to respond
2. a warning serves to make you more alert to danger