1. All these landmarks are all very familiarised to us, the out looks of all these places could have very great differences! These all became the memories of the past. 这些建筑物和景象都是目前仍旧著名的场所!昨日风采是否依旧?陈旧照片所隐藏的旧时韵味,能再次令您沉思和陶醉吗?
2. The teeth are all the same, the noses are all the same (except Diane von Furstenberg's), the tits are all the same, and no doubt the pudenda are all shaved in the same pattern. 牙齿是一样的,鼻子是一样的(除了黛安
3. KJV:One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 《新译本》:上帝只有一位,就是万有的父。他超越万有,贯彻万有,并且在万有之中。
4. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 一位众人的神与父,就是那超越众人,贯彻众人,也在众人之内的。
5. Christ is all, and in all, that God may be All in All. 基督是所有的,而且在全部里面,那一个上帝可能是极其重要的。
all-embracing all-in all-inclusive 包括一切的;
All information in all places at all times 资讯无时、无所不在;
all-embracing all-in all-inclusive 包括一切的;
all along all the time all the while always first midst and last 始终;
all along all the time all the while always first midst and last 始终;