1. As interactions with JANGMI diminished, MEKKHALA follows the week steering flow from the anticyclone in southern China and moves WNW. 随著另一热带气旋蔷薇移离,米克拉受到华南的一个弱高压脊影响而向西北偏西移动。
2. Subject to the anticyclone anchored in central China, 21W will move along its southeastern periphery in a SW to WSW direction in the next 72 hours. 受到在中国大陆的一个反气旋影响,21W将于未来72小时沿该反气旋的东南部向西南或西南偏西移动。
3. A strengthening anticyclone near Thailand will drive NOUL to its southern periphery, and thus a westward movement with slight southward dip is expected in the next 72 hours. 在泰国附近的一个反气旋将令红霞于未来72小时向西或西南偏西移动。
1. (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high-pressure center; circling clockwise in the norther