2. Some outsiders believe it maintains an excessively tight policy as a way of asserting its independence, which it won at around the time deflation took hold. 一些局外人认为,日本银行通过维持过度收紧的政策来维持其独立性。在通货紧缩发生时,这种观点占据上风。
3. In the world of nature, where chance also seems to rule, we have long since demonstrated in each separate field the inner necessity and law asserting itself in this chance. 在似乎也是受偶然性支配的自然界中,我们早就证实,在每一个领域内,都有在这种偶然性中去实现自己的内在的必然性和规律性。
1. relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration