1. Compare their photographs. The same pale skin, the same slicked-back hair, the same bulbous nose, the same enormous ears, the same penetrating eyes. 比较一下他们的照片吧,同样苍白的皮肤,同样顺滑的头发,同样隆起的大鼻子,同样犀利的眼睛。
2. The span of time, including order preparation time, queue time, processing time, moving time, and receiving and inspection time, is called lead time. 这个时间周期包括订单准备、等待、处理、传输以及接收时间,这个时间段称作前置时间。
3. The teeth are all the same, the noses are all the same (except Diane von Furstenberg's), the tits are all the same, and no doubt the pudenda are all shaved in the same pattern. 牙齿是一样的,鼻子是一样的(除了黛安
4. Since she uses one sensory channel at a time, looking and touching at the same time are as difficult as doing math and calisthenics at the same time. 因为她一次只能使用一种知觉管道,所以同时看与触摸就像要求她同时做算术和女子柔软体操一样困难。
5. Date are reliable when two independent observers using the same definitions and observing the same teacher at the same time produce similar records. 资料的可靠是当两个独立的观察者使用相同定义在相同时间观察相同老师得到相似的记录。
Same time same place same parking curb 同一时间同一地点同一停车遏制;
Same Time Same Place 同一地点;
The same feeling concludes to our same yearning 同样的感受给了我们同样的渴望;
be tarred with the same brush birds of a feather jackals of the same lair 一丘之貉;
be tarred with the same brush birds of a feather jackals of the same lair 一丘之貉;