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    1. If you think something is amiss please let us know.
    2. How to drink to drink ability not giddy? Drink is the face not red but is dizziness the body amiss?
    3. Please manifest Your powers in this hour so that we can stand as beings who have nothing amiss on our parts, to be embraced in the bosom of the Father who loves.
    4. Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss.
    5. He will take it amiss if you refuse his invitation.


    差错,错误的; 有毛病的; 错误的; 成人多元智能自评量表;
    take amiss
    曲解; 误会,见怪。; 因...而见怪; 误会, 误解;
    come amiss
    不称心, 不合适, 不受欢迎; 不称心; 有障碍;
    go amiss
    出岔子; 不顺当;
    gine amiss
    出岔子; 做错; 不当;
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