1. The only oBject to Be seen was the dirty factory with its Belching chimney. 能看见的唯一的物体就是烟囱冒着浓烟的肮脏的工厂。
2. "That one", he says, waving at a clump of corrugated-iron sheds and belching chimneys, "is owned by a man from Shanghai. “那个”,他说,挥向一大片波状钢小棚子和正在冒烟的烟囱“是一个上海人的”。
3. A throng of mostly small cars hoot and jostle in a race against three wheeled auto-rickshaws, dilapidated buses, fume-belching lorries and the odd bullock cart. 道路上混杂着相互鸣笛争道的小型汽车、电动三轮车以及破旧的公共汽车、烟雾沸扬的货车和牛拉单车。
1. the forceful expulsion of something from inside
2. a reflex that expels wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth