1. This is a cup gathers completely the happy good wine, only has moistened your my bilabial. 这是一杯蓄满幸福的美酒,就只沾过你我的双唇。
2. Effectiveness:Softened bilabial, elimination is shameless, In-depth nourishes, stretches the lip grain Improves the dark mute lip color. 功效:软化双唇,去除唇部死皮,深层滋养,舒展唇纹,改善暗哑唇色。
3. At present, floats the lip technique birth, solved the people to decorate the bilabial repeatedly every day the worry, will cause beautiful forever to be stationed in the bilabial. 目前,漂唇术的诞生,解决了人们每天反复修饰双唇的烦恼,使美丽永驻双唇。
1. a consonant that is articulated using both lips; /p/ or /b/ or /w/
2. of or relating to or being a speech sound that is articulated using both lips