1. A bill should be protested within one working day of dishonor, otherwise under the Bill of Exchange Act (1882) all signatories are freed from liability on the bill. 按照英国1882年票据法规定,汇票必须在拒付的一个工作日之内作成拒付证书,否则票据上所有签字人将免除债务责任。
2. Article 38 "Acceptance" is the act of a drawee of a bill of exchange who promises to pay the sum on the bill at the maturity of the bill. 第三十九条定日付款或者出票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当在汇票到期日前向付款人提示承兑。
3. Article 38 "Acceptance" is the act of a drawee of a bill of exchange who promises to pay the sum on the bill at the maturity of the bill. 第三十八条承兑是指汇票付款人承诺在汇票到期日支付汇票金额的票据行为。
4. A bill should be protested within one working day of dishonor, otherwise under the Bill of Exchange Act (1882) all signatories are freed from liability on the bill. 按照英国1882年票据法规定,汇票必须在拒付的一个工作日之内作成拒付证书,否则票据上所有签字人将免除债务责任。
5. The clerk was gabbing over the indictment . 书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。