1. "Later maybe! "Hodden said "Let us see what this braggart of the Sheriff's choosing will do. 「稍后或许,」赫顿说:「让我们瞧瞧郡长选谁是夸口的人。」
2. But, if you speak too loudly , you may be perceived as overbearing , bossy , a bully , a braggart. 但是,如果你说话的声音太大,人们就会觉得你傲慢专横,目空一切。
3. Mr Corzine, perhaps because of the need to be tight-lipped hen he ran Goldman Sachs, is not a natural braggart. 当他掌管高盛集团时,迫于工作需要,他总是金口紧闭,然而,或许考尼兹本来就不是个天生的自夸自耀者。
1. a very boastful and talkative person
2. exhibiting self-importance