1. Managers need to move away from bureaucratic style of control to encourage change. 管理者需要远离官僚作风的管制,从而去鼓励变革。
2. The convention sets standards and procedures for international adoptions, but critics say it also creates expensive and time consuming bureaucratic hurdles. 会议设置了标准和国际领养程序。但是评论家说这只会产生昂贵且耗时的官僚作风。
3. The governance of professional development ensures bureaucratic restraint and a balance between the interest of individuals and the interests of institutions. 专业发展的管理需要一些强硬的限制,但也需要在个人兴趣与组织目标之间保持平衡。
1. of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy