1. Now you've seen the clip, check your local listings, go watch the show, and then go buy a legit set of the DVDs now. Right now. 现在你们看到片段了,赶紧查看本地节目表,看这个演出,去买合法出版的DVD。现在就去。
2. Until now, packaging legislation in China has related more to hygiene issues, but the government is now drafting legislation aimed at reducing waste. 直到现在,中国的包装立法更多地与卫生问题有关,但是政府正在起草法案,旨在减少垃圾废物。
3. But now, I feel I am not too sure now as I need to re-think what sort of design I want to do. 但是现在我可能觉得反而有一些不太清楚,是因为要重新想一下我该做什么样的设计。
4. Wade and his wife divorce is now known, but shy of the first "Dwyane" has now become a "defloration" There was a master card available. 韦德是否与妻子离婚现在不得而知,但当初那个腼腆的“闪电侠”如今已经变成“摘花”高手倒是有证可查的事实。
5. Wade and his wife divorce is now known, but shy of the first "Dwyane" has now become a "defloration" There was a master card available. Before the U. 韦德是否与妻子离婚现在不得而知,但当初那个腼腆的“闪电侠”如今已经变成“摘花”高手倒是有证可查的事实。
now we are fussing and now we are fighting 现在我们惊啧不已,现在我们争抢好胜。;
now he sings now he sobs 奇克柯;
now he sings now he sobs 奇克柯;
but now 刚刚;
But now my conscience is contradicting everything 但现在,我可爱的子民正抵触任何事;