1. To choose the catchword of 2008, Simulated Culture must be included. 评选2008年流行语,“山寨”当有一席之地。
2. Women's liberation, in China or in the Western nations, have been proceeding with the catchword of "gender equality" for a long time. 中西方的妇女解放运动长期以来都是在“男女平等”的口号下进行的。
3. To clinical go up common vertigo, aurist uses a catchword normally " patient one dizzy, the doctor is dizzy also " will describe vertigo complex and unidentified hair cause of disease because. 对于临床上常见的眩晕症,耳科医生通常用一句流行语“病人一晕,医生也晕”来形容眩晕症复杂而又不明的发病原因。
1. a favorite saying of a sect or political group
2. a word printed at the top of the page of a dictionary or other reference book to indicate the first