church 普通用词,指顶礼膜拜上帝之地,也是西方人举行婚、丧等活动的场所。 cathedral 指一个教区内最大的教堂,即主教堂或总教堂,通常是装饰精良,宏伟肃穆。
1. A cathedral is a large church. 大教堂是一个大的教堂。
2. The cathedral and market. 大教堂和市场。
3. The bishops, priests and deacons processed into the cathedral . 主教、司铎以及助祭列队走进大教堂。
1. any large and important church
2. the principal Christian church building of a bishop's diocese adj.
1. relating to or containing or issuing from a bishop's office or throne