1. Normal sleep a full III, IV sleep, also called slow wave sleep, if Bieqi serious snoring, sleep rhythm will be disrupted, not even lack of slow wave sleep slow-wave sleep. 正常睡眠要有充分的III、IV睡眠期,也称慢波睡眠,如果打鼾憋气严重时,睡眠节律就会被打乱,慢波睡眠不足甚至没有慢波睡眠。
2. Secondary measures of wake time after sleep onset, number of awakenings after sleep onset, latency to sleep onset, and sleep quality were also all significantly improved. 其他有关睡著后醒来的时间、醒来的次数、服药后到睡著的时间、睡眠品质等之监测也发现药物效果显著优于安慰剂。
3. Sleep no more! Glamis hath murther'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more. 不要再睡了!葛莱密斯已经杀害了睡眠,所以考特将再也得不到睡眠,麦克白将再也得不到睡眠!
4. Sleep! Sleep! I sleep every night. Goodnight. 睡觉,睡觉,我每天晚上都睡觉。晚安。
5. A sleep diary compiled over several nights may help identify unusual sleep patterns and sleep disorders (eg, sleepwalking, night terrors). 几个晚上的睡眠日记可以帮助确认异常睡眠形态和睡眠障碍(梦游、夜惊等)。
cause an accident cause trouble 肇祸;
Cause I can't sleep through the pain 因为没有你在身边 心痛让我彻夜难眠;