1. On October 31, be in Japanese Tokyo, man of simple of Japanese premier springlet attends a clannish meeting. 10月31日,在东亚日本东京,东亚日本总统小泉纯一郞加入一个党派集合。
2. The French also like jokes about the Corsicans, Corsica is a French island where people have a reputation for being lazy, vengeful and clannish. 科西嘉是法国的一个岛,那里的人们被认为懒惰,记仇以及排外,因此法国人喜欢开科西嘉人的玩笑。
3. Despite they are foreigners in our university, we can see that they always work and study hard, and the most important thing is that they are really clannish. 虽然在校园中他们是属于外国人,但我们可以看到他们在课业及做事上都十分认真,更重要的是他们非常地团结。
1. characteristic of a clan especially in being unified
2. befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances