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    1. I am a jerk, a hysteric jerk, cheating myself that you still care about me.
    2. The study selects the testing method that video synchronizes camera with force platform. The results indicate that maximal jerk force of drop jerk is smaller.
    3. BSU is small HEPA filter and fan unit, which is used for many purposes by users plan such as simple clean bench, clean booth, clean pass box &clean garman stocker etc.
    4. BSU is small HEPA filter and fan unit, which is used for many purposes by users plan such as simple clean bench, clean booth, clean passbox& clean garman stocker etc.
    5. Clean filter, Rubber ring to rotate out to the right, wipe clean with paper towels or a cotton swab, filter clean, please also clean cigarette holder wall.


    jaw jerk
    颌反射; 下颌反射; 释义:(下)颌反射;
    跃度; 猛击(用力击球); 冲击; 猛击;
    Jerk Flash
    急速闪电; 闪飚播放器; 风飚播放器;
    knee jerk
    膝腱; 急 弯; 不由自主的反应; 膝跳;
    jerk test
    急冲试验; 急拉试验; 释义:反射试验;
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