1. Crying, the rustle of storm and cloudburst entangled. Equinox has gone, then the weather is no longer muggy as before. 簌簌的风声雨声交杂,秋分已过,天气不再那么闷热了。
2. Had the woods, have sand blown by wind no longer, also have no longer broiling, the cloudburst that connects a seaside also becomes tender. 有了树林,就不再有风沙,也不再有酷热,连海边的豪雨也变得温柔。
3. The LORD will cause men to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. 耶和华必使人听他威严的声音,又显他降罚的膀臂,和他怒中的忿恨,并吞灭的火焰,与霹雷,暴风,冰雹。