1. This dated back to a period of solar instability coinciding with the early evolution of life on Champala. 这可归结于在一个时期内恒星活动不稳定与查姆帕拉星生命早期进化恰好同期所致。
2. The development of healthy building is coinciding with saving energy, reducing pollution and sustainable development. 发展健康建筑有利丁节约能源,保护环境,符合可持续发展的原则。
3. Halfway around the world the same El Ni 半个地球之遥的印尼,也因为同一次的圣婴现象带来严重的乾旱,与亚洲严重的金融危机正好同时发生。
1. occurring or operating at the same time
2. matching point for point