1. System built home, modular home, or manufactured home…what ever name you chose, it's the right choice for those that demand high quality and great value from their home builder. 系统建成家,模块化的首页,或制造家庭……什么名字永远你选择,它的选择是正确的,为那些需要高品质,并具有极大的价值,从他们的房屋营建商。
2. If come home to see a disorder, then we can want to come home. 假如一回家就看到一片混乱,那我们就会想要回家了。
3. We want to buy Home Furnishings, Quilts, Home Furnishings Decorative Pillows, Cushion Covers, Kitchen Linens, Quilts, Runners, Rugs Home Furnishings. 我们要采购家居家具,棉被,家具装饰的枕头,垫子,厨房亚麻布,棉被,滑动装置,毯子家具。
4. Home. Home. Home is a house in a photograph, a pink house, pink as hollyhocks with lots of startled light. 家。家。家是照片里的一所房子,一所粉红色的房子,粉红得像一朵怵目光线下的蜀葵。
5. The regiment was a home, too, and a home as unchangeably dear and precious as the parental home. 兵团也是他的家,也像双亲的家一样始终是可爱的、可贵的。
a home from home 舒适环境;
A home away from home 他乡遇故知;
hit the needle hit the right nail on the head strike home went home 击中要害;