1. Posting (mailing) a message is to copy the message into message queue, and sending a message is to send the message to window procedure function. 投递(邮寄)一条消息就是把消息复制到消息队列中,发送消息则是直接把消息发送到窗口过程函数。
4. Every chat message was inserted after the last message, user name and message is distincted with another color and message has to have readonly attribute. 我需要一个可以在聊天中使用的编辑框。每个聊天消息被插入到最后一条消息,用户名和消息用不同的颜色区分,消息具有随机的属性。
5. Add - Allows someone to create (i. e. post) a message and add it to the message board or another message. 让用户创建(比如发送)一个消息并且把它加到留言簿或者另一个消息。