1. Of course I don't condone this, but come on it's a fucking water bottle. 我当然不会原谅这种行为,但是够了吧,那只是一个该死的水瓶罢了。
2. A sheep, and wolves were eating on the way is sad, empathy may permit: We tolerance (or even condone) thief is also wrong. 一只羊,与狼讨论被吃的方式是可悲的,同理可证:我们宽容(甚至纵容)小偷也是不对的。
3. I do not condone the commercialization of Christmas but, this has created an opportunity for us to educate non-Christians about the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 我丝毫不赞同圣诞节被商业化或娱乐化,但是无可否认地这也无形中为我们打开了一机会:向非信徒传讲救主耶稣基督的机会。
1. excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with