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    1. After Lincoln resisted the South's attack on Fort Sumter, four other slaveholding states voted to secede, joining the newly formed Confederate States of America.
    2. The Confederate States perceive that they cannot carry all before them with a rush.
    3. The argument for multiple realizability seems to establish that while states of mind are realized by physical states, mental states are not reducible to physical states.
    4. During the battle of Antietam in 1862, he ordered his troops to cross the Potomac River in order to engage the Confederate forces in battle.
    5. Thirty two North Carolina regiments were in action at Gettysburg July 1, 2, 3, 1863. One Confederate soldier in every four who fell here was a North Carolinian.


    Confederate States
    南部联邦; 邦联; 南北被战争;
    cahoot complice confederate
    共犯,同谋者; 同盟国; 同谋者; 同盟的;
    Confederate Museum
    同盟博物馆; 博物馆;
    confederate design
    传动皮带.; 邦联设计; 从6061铝合金加工; (综合排气系统).;
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