1. There is not consentaneous way to classify the business newspaper and periodical in Chinaacademy of the journalism and mass-communication. 关于财经报刊的分类,目前在中国新闻传播学术界还没有统一的说法。
2. In its probative running, the system isgained consentaneous commendation. The system is successful, and provides a solidly--built foundation for widening and developing more. 本系统在长轮总运输部试运行中,获得一致好评.本系统是成功的,并为系统的进一步拓展、开发及运用打下了坚实的基础。
3. On love, we can find many explanations without any consentaneous answer. The fact that a couple of beloved lovers seperates at last is forever too reluctant for us to accept. 关于情爱我们有太多太多的诠释,永远都无法找到一条固定的轨迹。因为我们始终都无法去接受这样一种事实,一对亲密的恋人,最终也会走到分手的一步。