1. The Crankiness of Belief achieves Greate , not the Trick of Regulation. 真正的杰出,不是妙用规则的错层,而是极致的偏执于信念。
2. That was a story about Classic and boutique. What we need is not crankiness but self-respect. 这便是精品与经典的佳话,当然我们需要的是自尊而不是狂妄!
3. Crankiness and personal feelings should be discarded when we deal with disagreements. Our judgements should not be folded by flattery words and disturbed by personal interests. 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应被个人私利扰乱。