1. A board creaked as I crossed the floor. 我走过地板时,有一块板嘎吱嘎吱地响。
2. Nor have foreigners been brought to London by the weather or the creaking transport system. 这些外国人来伦敦也不是因为这儿的天气或其不堪重负的交通系统。
3. China is doing for coal what it once did for oil: helping push prices to new highs, adding more pressure to the creaking global economy. 中国正在煤炭上重蹈石油的覆辙﹕为价格不断创出新高推波助澜﹐对岌岌可危的全球经济产生更大压力。
1. a squeaking sound
2. having a rasping or grating sound