1. Voice is crawly, not be a cold, how to return a responsibility? 嗓子痒痒的,不是感冒,怎么回事?
2. Do crawly insects make you cringe or dead bodies make you blanch? 可怕的昆虫是否会使您畏缩,而尸体会将您变得面色苍白?
3. My summer long blain is particularly much, forehead. Nose, below the eye. Connect the lower jaw, grow on the neck, crawly still, have what tweak everybody. 我夏天长痘特别多,额头。鼻子,眼睛下。连下巴,脖子上都长,还痒痒,有什么好办法各位。
4. When my crural summer rains often desquamate, crawly, have a bubble, itch so that was overcome, how to do? ? 我的脚夏天下雨的时候经常脱皮,痒痒的,起一颗一颗的泡,痒得受不了了,怎么办??
5. At this moment my meeting whole body is crawly, as if in the for generations metempsychosis in the mankind, the day that saw ability of the person that become aware only is realized. 这时我会全身悚然,仿佛在人类的世代轮回中,看到了一眼只有觉者才能悟到的天道。