1. Why did you do that, you cretin? 你为什麽做那事,你这个笨蛋?
2. Your ignorance is why you will always be an oaf, oaf. And now, your weakness is why you'll always be second rate. Goodbye, cretin. 你的无知就是为什么你永远是一个笨家伙,笨家伙。而现在,你的弱点就是为什么你永远是二流水平。再见,白痴。
3. It is almost unbelievable that one could even contemplate a population where in 13 out of every 100 live births, the child was a cretin. 这几乎是难以置信的。谁能想象一个地区的人口,每100个新生婴儿中就有13个是白痴(克汀)病患者。