1. Makes a block available to themes that shows member summary info. Also links to some additional views with member list, member profiles and member items. 对外观主题使用一个区块以显示会员的摘要信息。并可链接到一些额外的视图,其中包含了会员列表,会员档案及会员项目。
2. The colloquial term for the crew member in charge of a specialized cementing crew and trucks. Synonyms: cementing engineer. 是一种口语式的术语,指负责专业注水泥队员和卡车的井队成员。同义词:注水泥工程师。
3. The entire crew need not be involved in eery drill, but each crew member must participate in an abandon ship drill and a fire drill each month as required. 每次演习中不必全体船员都参与,但是每一船员都必须按要求每月参加1次弃船和消防演习。
4. The entire crew need not be involved in every drill, but each crew member must participate in an abandon ship drill and a fire drill each month as required. 每次演习中不必全体船员都参与,但是每一船员都必须按要求每月参加1次弃船和消防演习。
5. The "pointer to member" is distinct from the type "pointer", that is, a pointer to member is declared only by the pointer to member declarator syntax, and never by the pointer declarator syntax. 成员指针和普通指针截然不同。成员指针只能用成员指针声明的语法声明,不能用一般的指针声明方法声明。