1. Methods Validation the microbial limit tests by the method of centrifuge with drops and culture cultivatable medium methods. 方法通过对供试品的离心处理后,联合培养基稀释法,建立复方洁霉素滴鼻液微生物限度验证方法。
2. The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . 城区的迅速扩大在下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。
3. The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍熟悉到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。
1. (of farmland) capable of being farmed productively