1. I'm using Shiseido's Eyelash Curler. 我使用的是资生堂睫毛夹。
2. Remember to mildly heat the curler before you use it for the best results! 记得在使用前稍微加热睫毛夹,这样才能达到最佳效果!
3. Includes nail clippers, beauty scissors, eyebrow clip, nail file, comestic brush, razor, fork dead skin, eyelash curler, acne needle, etc. 内含指甲钳、美容剪、眉夹、指甲锉、化妆刷、刮胡刀、死皮叉、睫毛夹、粉刺针、耳勺等等。
1. a mechanical device consisting of a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it