1. Others were on cruise control, unaware that life under Dennis's cushy umbrella was about to end. 其他人则随波逐流,并不知道丹尼斯的如意保护伞不能不断撑下去了。
2. Anyone advising that learning English can help secure a cushy job is certainly not expecting any recognition for such banality. 当有人说学好英文有利于找到好工作时,此人多半不预期听者会对这种老生常谈击节赞赏。
3. Mary's father had "a cushy number in Cairo", but her schoolteacher mother was evacuated from the Blitz in Liverpool, first to Cheshire and then to north Wales. 玛丽的父亲“在卡罗有份舒适的工作”,但她任职学校老师的母亲却在对利物浦的大轰炸中被撤离,先到了柴郡,然后到北威尔士。
1. not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship