1. Number 2. Already has a new job as Briefcase Babe No. 12 on "Deal or No Deal". 第2。已经获得在《成交不成交》节目
2. A deal with us means a good deal to you. 和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。
3. If you refuse to deal with a group because it's too extreme, you don't get to deal with a more pliant, moderate alternative. 如果你因为一个派别过于极端而将其搁置,那么,你不会有机会选择一个较为顺从较为温和的替代品。
4. As Wiz move to demolish roster, front office is seriously exploring a deal for T-Mac's expiring deal, sources say. Butler likely bait. 奇才准备推倒重建,据消息人士透露,制服组正在认真寻求交易得到麦迪的到期合同。筹码可能是巴特勒。
5. But the Fair Deal programs fell victim to the same public and congressional conservatism that had crippled the last years of the New Deal. 然而“公平施政”计划成为阻挠过新政最后阶段实施的那一拨公众与国会保守主义分子的牺牲品。