1. Controlling moisture content is one of the most important aspects to debasing reversion after bending. 木材弯曲后,控制木材的含水率是降低回弹的一个重要方面。
2. In our world, all the sentiments and expressions of humanity, from the debasing to the angelic, are parts of a seamless whole, the global conversation of bits. 在我们的世界里,所有人的情感和表达,不管是值得谴责的,还是像天使一般美妙的,都属于一个无缝的整体——比特的全球交谈。
3. However, it is easy to imagine that some countries will end up eroding the value of their bonds by debasing their currencies in the coming years, printing money and stoking inflation. 不过,我们很容易想象,通过在未来几年推动本币贬值、加印钞票并推助通货膨胀,有些国家主权债券的价值最终会受到腐蚀。
1. used of conduct; characterized by dishonor